
本書僅僅是對科學著作和哲學文獻中廣為討論、引人注目的悖論和思想實驗的一個彙集。有興趣進一步鑽研的讀者請參考最近的Analysis(《分析》)、British Journal For the Philosophy of Science(《英國科學哲學》)、Mind(《心靈》)、Philosophical Studies(《哲學研究》)、和Philosophy of Science(《科學哲學》)等期刊,這是一個很好的入手點。

〔1〕Bacon, Roger(?). the Voynich 「roger Bacon」 Cipher Manuscript.Central Europe, probably sixteenth Century.At Yale University』s Beinecke Rare Book And Manuscript Library, New Haven

〔2〕Barber,theodore Enophon, And Albert Forgione, John f. Chaves, David s.Calverley,John D.McPeake, And Barbara Bowen.「Five Attempts to Replicate the Experimenter Bias Effect,」Journal of Consulting And Clinical Psychology, 33:1~6(1969)

〔3〕Bennett, William Ralph, Jr. Scientific And Engineering Problem-solving with the Computer. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.:Prentice-Hall, 1976

〔4〕Borges, Jorge Luis. Labyrinths:Selected Stories And Other Writings, ed.by Donald A.Yates And James E.Irby.New York:New Directions, 1964

〔5〕——.Other Inquisitions:1937-1952.Austin:University of texas Press, 1964

〔6〕——.A Personal Anthology. New York:Grove Press, 1967

〔7〕——.The Book of Sand. New York:e.r Dutton, 1977

〔8〕——.And Adolfo Bioy Casares, Extraordinary tales.London:Condor Books, 1973

〔9〕Burge, tyler.「Buridan And Epistemic Paradox, 」Philosophical Studies, 39:21~35(1978)

〔10〕Carroll, Lewis. Symbolic Logic, ed.by William Warren BartleyⅢ. New York:Clarkson N.Potter,1977

〔11〕 Coate, Randoll, Adrain Fisher,And Graham Burgess. A Celebration of Mazes. st.Albans, Eng.:Minotaur Designs, 1986

〔12〕Cole, David.「thought And thought Experiments, 」Philosophical Studies, 45:431~444(1984)

〔13〕Cook, stephen.「the Complexity of theorem Proving Procedures, 」Proceedings of the 3rd Annual ACM Symposium on the Theory of Computing.New York:Association of Computing Machinery, 1971

〔14〕Einstein, Albert, And Leopold infeld. The Evolution of Physics, New York:simon & schuster,1938

〔15〕Gardner, Martin. The Scientific American Book of Mathematical Puzzles And Diversions. New York:simon &Amp; schuster, 1959

〔16〕——.The Unexpected Hanging And Other Mathematical Diversions.New York:simon & schuster,1969

〔17〕——.Knotted Doughnuts And Other Mathematical Entertainments.New York:W. h.Freeman, 1986

〔18〕Garey,Michael R., And David s.Johnson.Computers And Intractability:a Guide to the theory of NP-Completeness.New York:W.h.Freeman.1979

〔19〕Gettier,Edmund. 「Is Justified True Belief Knowledge?」Analysis, 23:121~123(1963)

〔20〕Goodman, Nelson. Fact, Fiction, And Forecast. indianapolis:Bobbs-Merrill, 1965

〔21〕Grunbaum, Adolf.「Are『in Finity MaChinesPa Ra do xi cal?」S Cien ce. 159:396~406(Jan.26, 1968)

〔22〕Hazelhurst, f. Hamilton. Gardens of Illusion:The Genius of Andre Le Nostre. Nashville:Vanderbilt University Press, 1980

〔23〕 Heller,Joseph. Catch-22. New York:simon & schuster,1961

〔24〕Hesse, Mary. 「Ramifications of『Grue』」British Journal For the Philosophy of Science, 20:13~25(1969)

〔25〕Hofstadter, Douglas R. GoDel, Escher,Bach:An Eternal Golden Braid. New York:Basic Books, 1979

〔26〕——And Daniel C.Dennett. The Mind』s I. New York:Basic Books, 1981

〔27〕Hume, David. A Treatise of Human Nature. New York:Penguin, 1986

〔28〕Jevons, stanley. The Theory of Political Economy .London, 1911

〔29〕Karp, Richard.「reducibility Among Combinatorial Problems, 」in R.e.Miller And J.W. thatcher,Eds., Complexity of Computer Computations. New York:Plenum Press, 1972

〔30〕Ladner, R.e.「on the structure of Polynomial time Reducibility, 」Journal of the Association of Computing Machinery, 22:155~171(1975)

〔31〕Leibniz, GotTFFied. Monadology, trans, by Paul And Anne schrecker.indianapolis:Bobbs-Merrill, 1965

〔32〕Levitov, Leo. Solution of the Voynich Manuscript:A Liturgical Manual For The Endura Rite Of The Cathari Heresy, The Cult of Isis Laguna Hills, Calif.:Aegean Park Press, 1987

〔33〕olds, James.「Pleasure Centers in the Brain, 」Scientific American, oct.1956, pp.105~116

〔34〕Penfield, Wilder.「The Cerebral Cortex in Man, 」Archives of Neurology And Psychiatry, 40:3(sept.1938)

〔35〕Plato.the Dialogues of Plato, trans.by b.Jowett.New York:random House, 1937

〔36〕Putnam,Hilary.Mind, Language And Reality. New York:Cambridge University Press, 1975

〔37〕——.Reason, Truth And History .New York:Cambridge University Press, 1981.

〔38〕rado, tibor.「on non-Computable Functions, 」The Bell System Technical Journal, May 1962

〔39〕rescher,nicholas, ed. Essays in Honor of Carl G.Hempel. Dordrecht, Holland, 1969

〔40〕rosenthal, Robert. Experimenter Effects in Behavioral Research. New York:Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1966

〔41〕rucker,rudy. Infinity And the Mind:The Science And Philosophy of the Infinite. Cambridge, Mass.:Birkhauser,1982

〔42〕russell, Bertrand. The Principles of Mathematics. London:Allen And Unwin, 1937

〔43〕——.Human Knowledge:Its Scope And Limits. New York:simon &Amp; schuster,1948

〔44〕salmon, Wesley, ed. Zeno』s Paradoxes, New York:irvington, 1970

〔45〕searle, John.「Minds, Brains, And Programs, 」Behavioral And Brain Sciences 3:442~444(1980)

〔46〕smullyan, Raymond. What Is the Name of This Book?The Riddle of Dracula And Other Logical Puzzles. Englewood Cliffs, n.J.:Prentice-Hall, 1978

〔47〕——.This Book Needs No Title:A Budget of Living Paradoxes.Englewood Cliffs, n.J.:Prentice-Hall, 1980

〔48〕turing, Alan M.「Computing Machinery And intelligence, 」Mind, 59, no.236(1950)

〔49〕Vonnegut, Kurt, Jr. Cat』s Cradle. New York:Delacorte Press, 1963

〔50〕Walker,Jearl.「Methods For Going through a Maze Without Becoming Lost or Confused, 」Scientific America, Dec.1986

〔51〕Watkins, Ben. Complete Choctaw Define. Van Buren, Ark.:J.W. Baldwin, 1892

〔52〕Whitrow,G.J.「on the impossibility of an infinite Past, 」British Journal For the Philosophy of Science, 29:39~45(1978)
